Blog posts
September 11, 2024Game of Thrones cupcakes
Here’s a quick look at a box of cupcakes we did for Irina’s boyfriend, who’s a big Game of Thrones fan. We printed a different house sigil for each; from...
A closer look at our new packaging
As part of our spring clean we’ve redesigned all our cupcake boxes and packaging, from the custom sprinkle-print tissue paper that lines each box to the colourful straps and stickers...
Eggs & Bacon cupcakes
Like eggs and bacon? Who doesn’t?! Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation sure does, and Jess likes not only RonSwan, but also eggs & bacon, making these, thoughtfully ordered by...
A Sunrise & Snow cupcake tower
What a lovely name for a colour scheme – Sunrise & Snow. Here’s a tower of cupcakes we did for Lorraine’s wedding to match her attractively titled orange and white...
Food Tube Live for Food Revolution Day
Today’s the second annual Food Revolution Day organised by everyone’s favourite cheeky chappie-stroke-nation’s culinary conscience Jamie Oliver, and you can cook along yourself thanks to a day of live streamed...
Pink Princess cupcakes for Vera Wang
Pink and girly are words that crop up often at Crumbs & Doilies HQ – to describe cupcakes if not team C&D themselves – so often in fact that we...
Hand-painted shoe cupcakes
Shoes and cupcakes are pretty much a match made in heaven if you ask us, so we were understandably excited when the guys over at Office requested some super-detailed shoe...
London-themed cupcakes
One of our regular corporate clients has meeting rooms named after different areas of London, so what better theme, they thought, for an internal company party than one based on...
Warner Bros logo cupcakes
Printing logos and pictures onto edible sugar is a great way of incorporating images into an order, but sometimes it’s nice to add a bit of piping for a more...